Aberdonian Filmmaker James Rose on 'A Song for Gran'
Join James Rose, an Aberdonian Filmmaker, in his tribute film to his grandmother, 'A Song for Gran', casting local actors for various roles. Apply now to be part of this heartfelt project.
Bailey Moreton (Press & Journal)
2 min read

An Aberdonian filmmaker James Rose is hoping to give local youngsters a taste of stardom in his new film, 'A Song for Gran'.
Four talented kids are needed to star in James Rose’s first feature film A Song for Gran, which will film later this month.
The movie is in tribute to James’s grandmother, Margaret Ramsay, and the close relationship the pair had when he was growing up.
The story jumps between timelines; one set in Aberdeen following the main character Joe as he grew up in Scotland, and 25 years later as Joe tries to help his ailing grandmother return to Scotland after having moved to the USA.
Filming for the American portion took place in Washington state. The production is now being moved to the Granite City to capture the younger years of Joe and his grandmother.
James is looking to cast local actors to play the younger versions of the grandmother and Joe, as well as a couple of other students, extras, and some behind-the-scenes roles.
Anyone is welcome to apply, from seasoned actors to those looking to get their first taste of life on set.
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James Rose told The P&J: “When I was younger it took me a long time to find the confidence, I was in my late twenties before I attended drama school. “It just didn’t seem like a realistic option to have a career like that. “I think if I had those opportunities when I was younger, I would have found my voice sooner. “I wouldn’t have had to leave home and all my family and friends to make a career for myself. “I think that’s a big thing, there’s just this constant drain of Aberdeen, to London, to Edinburgh, to Glasgow and there’s really good and talented people in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire; they just need that platform and someone to believe in them.”
While not autobiographical, the film is personal for the Aberdonian Filmmaker and actor. His grandmother died in a care home during the pandemic, while he was stuck in the USA unable to visit. He said: “To see the character inspired by my grandmother portrayed and you know her grandson… that was very emotional. “One of the final scenes between the two of them just brought the actors to tears and it also brought me to tears. “I think that was a release for me, letting go of some of the emotion I had been carrying around about the loss of my grandmother.”
James Rose is looking to film in October and the beginning of November and is currently working on confirming dates and locations. People interested in auditioning can email him at: hello@tartanunderdog.com
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